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мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College Stage 1 Master Plan

An exciting new era for мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College

M3 Architect Render of the Science and Innovation Centre from the Tennis Courts

Our story begins in 1903 with our first intake of just 22 students. Today, we are a dual-campus school accommodating over 1,500 students and celebrating over a century of educating Sydney’s young men.Ìý This first stage of our master plan includes a number of projects designed to enhance the facilities for our students and the wider community.Ìý

A State Significant Development Application is being prepared by мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College for the construction of a new building, and staged upgrades to existing facilities over 10 years. Ìý

The future of the College is looking bright.

Proposed Project includes:

  • Construction of a new 6-storey ‘Building 1’ and on ground car parking, including new vehicular access point.
  • Alterations to Braidwood Court configuration and landscaping
  • Alterations and additions to Centenary Building
  • Alterations and additions to Library / Chapel
  • Construction of covered Library area and roof top deck
  • Conlon Link and Conlon Building refurbishment
  • Landscaping of Airmount Courtyard
  • Demolition of 3 school owned buildings along Henrietta St and 3 school owned buildings on Carrington Road
  • Landscaping additions and alterations across the site
  • Creation of active and outdoor learning spaces


мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College is committed to providing high-quality learning environments for students. At the heart of our planning is a commitment to delivering real educational and wellbeing benefits to our students while delivering environmentally sustainable outcomes and mitigating impacts to neighbouring residents.

мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College assisted by m3 architecture and Taylor Brammer are committed to providing a world-class design.

The design will aim to locate local places of significance for First Nations People and educate the мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± community, connecting them to First Nations culture and history.

The design will:

  • Respect the existing local scale
  • Consider access to landscaping and sunlight
  • Design for natural light and natural ventilation
  • Address the existing sound streetscape
  • Retain existing significant trees
  • Enhance existing microclimates
  • Improve and add to existing open space and learning space
  • Feature new opportunities for outdoor learning
  • Include new native planting
  • Address issues with disabled access across the site

We aim to work with our school community, relevant government agencies and the local community, seeking feedback on the design.

Planning Process

We are in the early stages of planning and designing the proposed updates to the school. Community involvement will be central to the development of this project.

There will be opportunities for the community to provide feedback about the proposal.

The project plans will also be places on formal exhibition by the Department of Planning and Environment as part of the State Significant Development Application process, for projects with a capital investment value of more than $50 million.

The intention is to submit an application in mid-2024, with construction of the first stage commencing in 2025 pending planning approval.

Project Status

  • Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) – Issued
  • Site Analysis – Completed
  • Design – Completed
  • Community Consultation – On-going
  • State Significant Development Application (SSDA) – Not yet started
  • Public Exhibition – Not yet started
  • SSDA Determination – Not yet started
  • Construction – Not yet started
  • Completion

Community Engagement

We will continue to provide project updates to the local community and notify you of opportunities to provide your feedback.

We would like to hear what you think about the early planning for this project. Please visit this to provide your feedback.

To find out more, please attend our Drop-in Session on Tuesday, 19 March 4pm-7pm in the Performing Arts Centre Foyer, 131 Birrell St, мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±, or email us at ssda@waverley.nsw.edu.au

Project FAQs

What exactly is being planned for мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± Senior College Campus?

A State Significant Development Application is being prepared by мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College for the construction of a new building, and staged upgrades to existing facilities over 10 years.

The proposal includes:

  • Construction of a new 6-storey ‘Building 1’ and at-grade car parking, including new vehicular access point.
  • Alterations to Braidwood Court configuration and landscaping
  • Alterations and additions to Centenary Building
  • Alterations and additions to Library / Chapel
  • Construction of covered Library area and roof top deck
  • Conlon Link and Conlon Building refurbishment
  • Construction of Airmount Courtyard
  • Demolition of 3 x dwellings along Henrietta St and 3 x dwellings on Carrington Road
  • Landscaping additions and alterations across the site.
  • Active spaces

What are the key drivers for the proposal?

At the heart of our planning is a commitment to delivering real educational and wellbeing benefits to our students while delivering environmentally sustainable outcomes.

Is there a plan to increase student numbers at the school following construction?

There is no plan to increase student numbers as part of this proposal, beyond the natural projected increase.

At what stage is the proposal?

We are currently working with our project architects, planners and expert technical consultants to develop more detailed plans to inform a State Significant Development Application.

A number of studies are now being undertaken, including assessments relating to traffic and parking, architectural design, landscaping and biodiversity, heritage, stormwater and security.

Community engagement has begun and is ongoing to seek feedback and respond appropriately.

When will construction take place?

The approvals process includes various requirements to be met before construction. Pending planning approval construction of the first stage will commence in 2025.

How will the new developments benefit the school and the wider community?

мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College Senior Campus seeks to provide a world class educational environment for students that allows them to further their education. The proposed upgrades will provide students with high-quality open spaces and create access and mobility throughout the site.

The proposal aims to enhance the surrounding streetscapes including:

  • Improved landscaping
  • Conserve the character buildings
  • Improve on-site recreational facilities and
  • Improve onsite parking to mitigate impacts on, on-street parking demand.

What is the planning pathway for the proposal?

Due to the value of the proposed upgrades to мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± Senior College Campus it will be regarded as a State Significant Development, requiring a State Significant Development Application (SSDA).

A SSDA requires the preparation of a request for the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) through the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

When will the planning proposal be submitted?

After detailed plans and various assessments are complete, the intention is to submit an application in mid-2024.

These consultants are currently undertaking studies that will inform the finalisation of our planning proposal and design.

What will be the impact on local traffic and parking?

The potential impacts of our proposal will be the subject of comprehensive modelling and analysis by our traffic consultants. While these traffic studies are currently ongoing, the results will inform planning and design, as well as potential engagement with relevant local/State roads authorities to discuss necessary mitigation measures, if needed.

Relevant traffic reports studies will be made publicly available through the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure through the formal planning process.

What is being done to preserve and maintain the area’s character and heritage?

Heritage is a significant part of the site, and design of the new facilities has been developed to recognise and respond to heritage features of the school.

The potential impacts of our proposal will be the subject of comprehensive study by relevant consultants. While these studies are currently ongoing, the results will inform planning and design, as well as potential engagement with relevant State agencies.

Relevant heritage reports will be made publicly available through the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure through the formal planning process.

Has there been any local consultation with First Nations people?

мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± College, the project architect and the College’s First Nations advisory group have worked together throughout the development of the masterplan. We have consulted with local interested Aboriginal parties as part of the preliminary SSDA process and a further draft will be issued for comment prior to lodgement of the SSDA. Further consultation is ongoing to inform design finalisation.

How will construction impacts be managed?

Construction activities would be subject to a detailed Construction Management Plan that will be made publicly available and shared with the school community and neighbouring residents. The Plan will provide details of permitted hours of work, the types of work that can be undertaken and the range of potential construction mitigation measures that would be implemented.

Construction activities will be staged to minimise impacts on the school and local communities.

The Plan will also provide details of the proposed arrangements for construction-related vehicles, including the use of local streets, access to the site and parking.

A Traffic Management Plan will be developed to manage pedestrian safety and traffic arrangements throughout construction.

What steps have been taken to engage with the community so far?

The College has liaised with our staff, students and members of our community to seek feedback to inform ongoing planning and design.

In March 2024 engagement will include:

  • Distribution of community letters
  • A community survey seeking detailed community feedback
  • Door-knocking of impacted residents
  • A community drop-in session
  • Creation of a dedicated page on our website as a central point for information and updates.

What are the community contact channels?

If you have any further questions or would like to provide any feedback, please contact us at: ssda@waverley.nsw.edu.au.

Will there be additional opportunities to find out more about the proposal and provide feedback?

Following submission, the SSDA will be placed on exhibition by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure where the community will be invited to provide feedback.